8G-Writer: everything (scoped)
client side baseline all phases framp fill fexit inc1 top1 dec1 idle inc2 top2 dec2
server side baseline all phases framp fill fexit inc1 top1 dec1 idle inc2 top2 dec2 cold
all sides baseline all phases framp fill fexit inc1 top1 dec1 idle inc2 top2 dec2
highlighted cell(s) above show current scope
links point to other scopes

1. Load

Load Count
offered 15.36 0.85
measured 15.43 0.85
Load trace

The load table shows offered and measured load from client side point of view. Offered load statistics are based on the request stream. Measured load statistics are based on reply messages. The 'count' column depicts the number of requests or responses.

The 'volume' column is a little bit more tricky to interpret. Offered volume is reply bandwidth that would have been required to support offered load. This volume is computed as request rate multiplied by measured mean response size. Measured volume is the actual or measured reply bandwidth.

2. Hit Ratios

Hit Ratios DHR
offered 62.90 46.38
measured 11.53 9.68

The hit ratios table shows offered and measured hit ratios from client side point of view. Polygraph counts every repeated request to a cachable object as an offered hit. Measured (cache) hits are detected using Polygraph-specific headers. All hits are counted for 'basic' transactions only (simple HTTP GET requests with '200 OK' responses).

DHR, Document Hit Ratio, is the ratio of the total number of hits to the number of all basic transactions (hits and misses). BHR, Byte Hit Ratio, is the ratio of the total volume (a sum of response sizes) of hits to the total volume of all basic transactions.

A better way to measure hit ratio is to compare client- and server-side traffic. A hit ratio table based on such a comparison is available elsewhere.

3. Concurrent HTTP transaction level table

Transaction state Number of times Mean concurrency level
entered left
active 18438.00 18514.00 42.71
waiting 9256.00 9291.00 23.68
concurrent HTTP transaction level trace


4. Concurrent HTTP/TCP connection level table

Connection state Number of times Mean concurrency level
entered left
open 7848.00 7978.00 69.41
established 7848.00 7978.00 69.35
concurrent HTTP/TCP connection level trace


5. Population level table

Number of agents Mean population level
created destroyed
0.00 75.00 39.05
population level trace

Populus is a set of all live robot or server agents. While alive, an agent may participate in HTTP transactions or remain idle.

6. Traffic stream table

Stream Contribution Rates Totals
"foreign" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
"image" 62.99 42.93 9.69 0.37 0.01 0.05
"HTML" 14.46 9.84 2.22 0.08 0.00 0.01
"download" 0.20 5.94 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.01
"applet" 0.18 0.20 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00
"other" 7.91 28.85 1.22 0.25 0.00 0.04
all content types 85.74 87.76 13.18 0.75 0.02 0.11
hits 9.89 8.50 1.52 0.07 0.00 0.01
misses 75.85 79.26 11.66 0.67 0.01 0.10
hits and misses 85.74 87.76 13.18 0.75 0.02 0.11
ims/200 5.82 6.09 0.89 0.05 0.00 0.01
ims/304 2.86 0.05 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00
all ims 8.68 6.14 1.33 0.05 0.00 0.01
cachable 68.67 64.38 10.56 0.55 0.01 0.08
not cachable 17.07 23.38 2.62 0.20 0.00 0.03
cachable and not 85.74 87.76 13.18 0.75 0.02 0.11
fill 58.78 55.88 9.04 0.48 0.01 0.07
reload 5.24 5.72 0.81 0.05 0.00 0.01
abort 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
redirected request 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
reply to redirect 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEAD 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
POST 0.30 0.37 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
PUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
all non-gets 0.34 0.37 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
all replies 100.00 100.00 15.38 0.85 0.02 0.12

The 'Stream' table provides count and volume statistics for many classes of transactions. The 'Contribution' columns show count- and volume-based portions of all transactions. The 'Rates' columns show throughput and bandwidth measurements. The 'Totals' columns contain the total number of transactions and the total volume (a sum of individual response sizes) for each stream.

Note that some streams are a combination of other streams. For example, the 'all ims' stream contains transactions with If-Modified-Since requests that resulted in either '200 OK' (the 'ims/304' stream) or '304 Not Modified' (the 'ims/304' stream) responses.

Many combination streams, such as 'all content types' or 'hits and misses' stream, contribute less than 100% because properties like content type or hit status are distinguished for 'basic' transactions only. A basic transactions is a simple HTTP GET request resulted in a '200 OK' response. Various special transactions such as IMS or aborts do not belong to the 'basic' category.

The 'Object' table contains corresponding response time and size statistics for streams.

7. Object kind table

Object Response time (msec) Size (KBytes)
Min Mean Max Min Mean Max
"foreign" n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
"image" n/a n/a n/a 0.32 4.83 48.71
"HTML" n/a n/a n/a 0.39 4.82 77.72
"download" n/a n/a n/a 48.13 215.91 593.11
"applet" n/a n/a n/a 2.98 8.02 9.48
"other" n/a n/a n/a 8.94 25.84 75.92
all content types n/a n/a n/a 0.32 7.25 593.11
hits 3.00 142.75 4256.00 0.41 6.09 281.13
misses 19.00 2773.07 10077.00 0.32 7.41 593.11
hits and misses 3.00 2469.67 10077.00 0.32 7.25 593.11
ims/200 4.00 2497.28 7433.00 0.37 7.42 567.75
ims/304 2.00 2421.04 7841.00 0.09 0.13 0.16
all ims 2.00 2472.15 7841.00 0.09 5.02 567.75
cachable 3.00 2406.38 10077.00 0.38 6.64 593.11
not cachable 19.00 2724.26 8231.00 0.32 9.71 236.41
cachable and not 3.00 2469.67 10077.00 0.32 7.25 593.11
fill 45.00 2787.24 10077.00 0.38 6.74 593.11
reload 20.00 2664.89 8301.00 0.33 7.74 450.22
abort 5576.00 7130.40 8810.00 0.41 2.09 7.29
redirected request n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
reply to redirect n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
HEAD 9.00 2146.29 4397.00 0.32 0.35 0.41
POST 124.00 2795.61 5783.00 0.42 8.68 47.54
PUT n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
all non-gets 9.00 2723.46 5783.00 0.32 7.76 47.54
all replies 2.00 2480.98 10077.00 0.09 7.09 593.11

The 'Object' table provides response time and response size statistics for many classes of transactions.

Note that some classes are a combination of other classes. For example, the 'all ims' class contains transactions with If-Modified-Since requests that resulted in either '200 OK' (the 'ims/304' class) or '304 Not Modified' (the 'ims/304' class) responses.

Some statistics may not be available because either no objects of the corresponding class were seen during the test or no facilities to collect the stats exist for the class. The former can be verified using a 'Stream' table.

8. Errors

The total of 32 errors detected. Out of those errors, 32xact or 0.17% of all transactions were classified as transaction errors.

Error Count Contribution (%)
(c17) connection closed before sending headers 32 100.00

The 'Errors' table shows detected errors. For each error type, the number of errors and their contribution towards total error count are shown.

9. Object '"foreign"'

No instances of this object class were observed or recorded in the given scope.

This object class represents one of the content types specified in the PGL workload file and labeled there as "foreign".

10. Object '"image"'

contribution: 62.99% by count and 42.93% by volume
rates: 9.69xact/sec or 0.37Mbits/sec
totals: 0.01Mxact and 0.05GByte
response time: n/a min, n/a mean, and n/a max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 4.83KBytes mean, and 48.71KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

This object class represents one of the content types specified in the PGL workload file and labeled there as "image".

11. Object '"HTML"'

contribution: 14.46% by count and 9.84% by volume
rates: 2.22xact/sec or 0.08Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.01GByte
response time: n/a min, n/a mean, and n/a max
response size: 0.39KBytes min, 4.82KBytes mean, and 77.72KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

This object class represents one of the content types specified in the PGL workload file and labeled there as "HTML".

12. Object '"download"'

contribution: 0.20% by count and 5.94% by volume
rates: 0.03xact/sec or 0.05Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.01GByte
response time: n/a min, n/a mean, and n/a max
response size: 48.13KBytes min, 215.91KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

This object class represents one of the content types specified in the PGL workload file and labeled there as "download".

13. Object '"applet"'

contribution: 0.18% by count and 0.20% by volume
rates: 0.03xact/sec or 0.00Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.00GByte
response time: n/a min, n/a mean, and n/a max
response size: 2.98KBytes min, 8.02KBytes mean, and 9.48KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

This object class represents one of the content types specified in the PGL workload file and labeled there as "applet".

14. Object '"other"'

contribution: 7.91% by count and 28.85% by volume
rates: 1.22xact/sec or 0.25Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.04GByte
response time: n/a min, n/a mean, and n/a max
response size: 8.94KBytes min, 25.84KBytes mean, and 75.92KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

This object class represents one of the content types specified in the PGL workload file and labeled there as "other".

15. Object 'all content types'

contribution: 85.74% by count and 87.76% by volume
rates: 13.18xact/sec or 0.75Mbits/sec
totals: 0.02Mxact and 0.11GByte
response time: n/a min, n/a mean, and n/a max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 7.25KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

16. Object 'hits'

contribution: 9.89% by count and 8.50% by volume
rates: 1.52xact/sec or 0.07Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.01GByte
response time: 3.00msec min, 142.75msec mean, and 4256.00msec max
response size: 0.41KBytes min, 6.09KBytes mean, and 281.13KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'hits and misses' class.

17. Object 'misses'

contribution: 75.85% by count and 79.26% by volume
rates: 11.66xact/sec or 0.67Mbits/sec
totals: 0.01Mxact and 0.10GByte
response time: 19.00msec min, 2773.07msec mean, and 10077.00msec max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 7.41KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'hits and misses' class.

18. Object 'hits and misses'

contribution: 85.74% by count and 87.76% by volume
rates: 13.18xact/sec or 0.75Mbits/sec
totals: 0.02Mxact and 0.11GByte
response time: 3.00msec min, 2469.67msec mean, and 10077.00msec max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 7.25KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

19. Object 'ims/200'

contribution: 5.82% by count and 6.09% by volume
rates: 0.89xact/sec or 0.05Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.01GByte
response time: 4.00msec min, 2497.28msec mean, and 7433.00msec max
response size: 0.37KBytes min, 7.42KBytes mean, and 567.75KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all ims' class.

20. Object 'ims/304'

contribution: 2.86% by count and 0.05% by volume
rates: 0.44xact/sec or 0.00Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.00GByte
response time: 2.00msec min, 2421.04msec mean, and 7841.00msec max
response size: 0.09KBytes min, 0.13KBytes mean, and 0.16KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution

No response time and size traces are collected for this object class.

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all ims' class.

21. Object 'all ims'

contribution: 8.68% by count and 6.14% by volume
rates: 1.33xact/sec or 0.05Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.01GByte
response time: 2.00msec min, 2472.15msec mean, and 7841.00msec max
response size: 0.09KBytes min, 5.02KBytes mean, and 567.75KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

22. Object 'cachable'

contribution: 68.67% by count and 64.38% by volume
rates: 10.56xact/sec or 0.55Mbits/sec
totals: 0.01Mxact and 0.08GByte
response time: 3.00msec min, 2406.38msec mean, and 10077.00msec max
response size: 0.38KBytes min, 6.64KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'cachable and not' class.

23. Object 'not cachable'

contribution: 17.07% by count and 23.38% by volume
rates: 2.62xact/sec or 0.20Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.03GByte
response time: 19.00msec min, 2724.26msec mean, and 8231.00msec max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 9.71KBytes mean, and 236.41KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'cachable and not' class.

24. Object 'cachable and not'

contribution: 85.74% by count and 87.76% by volume
rates: 13.18xact/sec or 0.75Mbits/sec
totals: 0.02Mxact and 0.11GByte
response time: 3.00msec min, 2469.67msec mean, and 10077.00msec max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 7.25KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

25. Object 'fill'

contribution: 58.78% by count and 55.88% by volume
rates: 9.04xact/sec or 0.48Mbits/sec
totals: 0.01Mxact and 0.07GByte
response time: 45.00msec min, 2787.24msec mean, and 10077.00msec max
response size: 0.38KBytes min, 6.74KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

26. Object 'reload'

contribution: 5.24% by count and 5.72% by volume
rates: 0.81xact/sec or 0.05Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.01GByte
response time: 20.00msec min, 2664.89msec mean, and 8301.00msec max
response size: 0.33KBytes min, 7.74KBytes mean, and 450.22KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

27. Object 'abort'

contribution: 0.08% by count and 0.02% by volume
rates: 0.01xact/sec or 0.00Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.00GByte
response time: 5576.00msec min, 7130.40msec mean, and 8810.00msec max
response size: 0.41KBytes min, 2.09KBytes mean, and 7.29KBytes max

No response time and size histograms were collected or stored for this object class.

response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

28. Object 'redirected request'

No instances of this object class were observed or recorded in the given scope.

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

29. Object 'reply to redirect'

No instances of this object class were observed or recorded in the given scope.

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

30. Object 'HEAD'

contribution: 0.04% by count and 0.00% by volume
rates: 0.01xact/sec or 0.00Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.00GByte
response time: 9.00msec min, 2146.29msec mean, and 4397.00msec max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 0.35KBytes mean, and 0.41KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all non-gets' class.

31. Object 'POST'

contribution: 0.30% by count and 0.37% by volume
rates: 0.05xact/sec or 0.00Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.00GByte
response time: 124.00msec min, 2795.61msec mean, and 5783.00msec max
response size: 0.42KBytes min, 8.68KBytes mean, and 47.54KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all non-gets' class.

32. Object 'PUT'

No instances of this object class were observed or recorded in the given scope.

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all non-gets' class.

33. Object 'all non-gets'

contribution: 0.34% by count and 0.37% by volume
rates: 0.05xact/sec or 0.00Mbits/sec
totals: 0.00Mxact and 0.00GByte
response time: 9.00msec min, 2723.46msec mean, and 5783.00msec max
response size: 0.32KBytes min, 7.76KBytes mean, and 47.54KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.

This object class belongs to the 'all replies' class.

34. Object 'all replies'

contribution: 100.00% by count and 100.00% by volume
rates: 15.38xact/sec or 0.85Mbits/sec
totals: 0.02Mxact and 0.12GByte
response time: 2.00msec min, 2480.98msec mean, and 10077.00msec max
response size: 0.09KBytes min, 7.09KBytes mean, and 593.11KBytes max
response time distribution
object size distribution
response time trace

No description is available for this object class.